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Grab-N-Go Mindfulness Bundle

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Our Grab-N-Go Mindfulness Bundle is packaged with items that are ready to use in your classroom for a mindful moment. This collection has a great collection of ready-to-use tools for children of all ages. A perfect addition to any classroom.


This bundle includes the following:

  • Mindful Moments Card Deck
  • Breath Card Deck
  • Emotions Chart (8x11" laminated)
  • Magnet with a QR code to access Guided Mindfulness Albums


Mindful Moments Card Deck

The Mindful Moments for Your Classroom Card Deck is designed to provide brain breaks, whether in the classroom or at home, helping to refresh and refocus the mind.


The deck features four different colors—Orange, Pink, Yellow, and Green—each representing a specific type of mindfulness practice:


  • Orange Cards: Focus on breathwork mindfulness exercises.
  • Pink Cards: Include body movement practices, such as yoga poses and other mindful movements.
  • Yellow Cards: Highlight sensory mindfulness, engaging one or more of the senses in the practice.
  • Green Cards: Offer guided mindfulness exercises, such as meditations or body scans.


The Mindful Moments in the Classroom Card Deck is designed to seamlessly integrate mindfulness into your daily routine, whether in the classroom or at home.  By integrating mindful moments into your day, you’ll be giving children tools for self-regulation, focus, and emotional well-being—skills that will benefit them far beyond the classroom.  These simple, effective practices can help children refocus, relax, and reset, fostering a more mindful learning environment.  


Breath Card Deck

A Collection of Playful Breath Practices card deck includes 44 unique breath practices for students of all ages.  Each card includes a colorful illustration and written instructions for how to practice each breath.


A breath card deck can be a wonderful tool to introduce mindfulness and relaxation techniques to children.


Pausing to take deep breaths in the middle of the day is one of the best things you can do for yourself and to share with others. Deep breathing calms the mind, body, and heart so that you can focus on being our best, most peaceful, and focused self.


The cards in this deck are divided into four categories with colors to indicate the desired outcome of each breath practice.


  • Blue cards signify breath practices that are intended to calm the mind, body, and spirit. These practices are most helpful when you want to relax or unwind.

  • Yellow cards represent breath practices that calm the body while also increasing the concentration powers of the brain. These practices are best used before activities such as taking a test or engaging in a competition.

  • Pink cards represent energizing practices. These help awaken the body and the brain in safe, healthy ways.

  • Green cards are partner practices. These are breathing exercises designed for two people to connect and team-build in a calm and meaningful manner.


Emotions Chart

There is something very powerful about naming our emotions. When we can put a word or label on how we feel, it puts us in charge. It makes pleasant emotions more satisfying and normalizes scary or unpleasant emotions. After all, if there is a name for how I feel, that means others have felt that emotion before. Furthermore, it also means that strategies can be employed to deal with a feeling that otherwise might seem overwhelming.


At Challenge to Change, we use this emotions chart regularly when working with our young students. It is our practice to have students pick a word to describe how they feel at the beginning of a mindfulness lesson and then pick a word that describes how they feel after engaging in the lesson. We do this to encourage the development of an emotional vocabulary and to get young minds in the practice of regularly assessing and describing how they feel.


As a parent, educator, or caretaker, you can use this chart for yourself and the children in your life. Regularly explore the words on this list and ask questions such as, “What does this emotion feel like in my body?”, “Where do I feel this emotion in my body?”, “When have I experienced that feeling before?” and “How can I calm my body down if this is a feeling I do not enjoy?” 


One of the most invaluable gifts we can give ourselves and others are the ability to discuss our emotions and feelings. We hope this chart proves to be as powerful a tool for you in this regard as it has been for us at Challenge to Change!


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