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Mindful Education in Healthcare

for Everyone.

The Challenge to Change, Inc. Mindful Education in Healthcare department is committed to offering preventative wellness programs customized for healthcare professionals and those navigating a health journey.

Programs for Healthcare Workers

By integrating mindfulness practices into healthcare education, we can foster a more resilient, optimistic, and balanced approach to work and life.

In April 2022, Dr. David Auerbach and colleagues published a nursing workforce analysis in Health Affairs, which found that total supply of RNs decreased by more than 100,000 from 2020 to 2021 – the largest drop than ever observed over the past four decades. A significant number of nurses leaving the workforce were under the age of 35, and most were employed in hospitals.



of acute care nurses report feeling stressed, frustrated, and exhausted



of acute care nurses report feeling burnt out



of nurses are considering leaving due to work negatively affecting their health and well-being 


Mindful Education 

Certificate Program

Empowering healthcare professionals with the tools to be present, empathetic, and supportive can lead to positive and lasting impacts on both patients and providers.

The Challenge to Change Mindful Education Certificate Program helps nurses and health practitioners learn and apply mindfulness techniques in their academic, personal, and professional lives.


Upon completion of this 8-week live, online program, you will receive a certificate of completion that you can include in your portfolio as you apply and interview for job positions.


  • Learn how to practice and skillfully integrate mindfulness techniques into your personal, academic, and professional lives.

  • Learn the evidence-based research that backs mindfulness practices.


  • Develop and improve your self-awareness and emotional regulation.


  • Shift the way you relate to yourself and others.

  • Practice emotional intelligence skills and apply them to your relationships and conversations.


  • Create a mindfulness practice that supports you in navigating your personal life experiences.


  • Mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing can help reduce stress levels in patients and healthcare providers. By practicing mindfulness, individuals can learn to manage their stress responses more effectively, leading to burnout prevention and job satisfaction.

  • Regular mindfulness practice has been associated with increased resilience to stress and adversity. By cultivating present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance, individuals can develop greater resilience to life's challenges.

  • Mindfulness encourages individuals to pay attention to their thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. This self-awareness can help people recognize early signs of burnout, such as feelings of exhaustion or cynicism, and take proactive steps to address them.

  • Healthcare providers who practice mindfulness may demonstrate greater empathy, compassion, and presence with their patients. This can lead to improved communication, trust, and satisfaction in the patient-provider relationship.

    Healthcare providers who practice mindfulness may demonstrate greater empathy, compassion, and presence with their patients. This can lead to improved communication, trust, and satisfaction in the patient-provider relationship.



Perfect fo those who want to hit play and start practicing.

$3,000 per school

Includes 8 digital lessons

and 3 digital in-servicecs



Our trained yoga

instructors come to your school or organization.


$425 per classroom

Includes 8 digital lessons

and 3 digital in-servicecs

Your Staff


Your staff members trained in our curriculum offering programming to your facility.

$1,200 per school

Includes 8 digital lessons

and 3 digital in-servicecs


Mindful Mentorship

Mindful Mentorship is a powerful tool for preventative wellness and personal growth, aiming to empower individuals to navigate life's ups and downs with calm and resilience. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, mindful mentorship encourages individuals to explore their strengths, overcome challenges, and cultivate a positive mindset while navigating a healing journey.

Stress in America 2023: A Nation Recovering from Collective Trauma examines the lasting psychological impacts of this combination of era-defining crises. Their 2023 report concluded:



of Americans said that insufficient or poor sleep affected their daily activities at least once in the past week



of adults are diagnosised with a mental illness



of adults are diagnosied with chronic illness (most prevalant ages are 35-44 years old)

  • Pain Management

    Mindfulness-based interventions have been shown to be effective in managing chronic pain conditions. By increasing awareness and acceptance of pain sensations, individuals can experience reduced pain intensity and improved pain coping mechanisms.

    Improved Sleep

    Mindfulness practices can promote better sleep quality by helping individuals relax and quiet the mind before bedtime. By reducing rumination and promoting relaxation, mindfulness techniques can contribute to improved sleep patterns.

    Brain Health 

    Mindfulness meditation may promote neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize and form new neural connections in response to experiences and environmental stimuli. By engaging in mindfulness practices, individuals may facilitate adaptive changes in brain structure and function that support overall brain health and resilience.

  • Improved Mental Health

    Mindfulness practices have been linked to improvements in various mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Mindfulness-based interventions, such as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), have been found to be effective in reducing symptoms and improving overall mental health outcomes.

    Increased Resilience 

    Regular mindfulness practice has been associated with increased resilience to stress and adversity. By cultivating present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance, individuals can develop greater resilience to life's challenges.

    Stress Reduction

    Mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing can help reduce stress levels in patients and healthcare providers. By practicing mindfulness, individuals can learn to manage their stress responses more effectively, leading to improved overall well-being.

  • Research suggests that integrating mindfulness into healthcare can lead to better clinical outcomes across various medical conditions. Patients who participate in mindfulness-based interventions often experience improvements in physical symptoms, quality of life, and overall health.


5 Parts of the Session

Measurable impact, lasting growth.

The Yoga in the Schools curriculum is offered in three convenient options to  bring the benefits of yoga and mindfulness to your school or organization .



Guided mindfulness is a time where we allow clients to settle their bodies into stillness and again, connect back to their breath. This gives clients time to reset their mind through the use of their imagination.

Close of 


The Close of Session is designed to gently transition back to their daily tasks with a new sense of clarity and awareness.

Heart of

the Session

The Heart of the Sesson introduces a new and skills to enhance mindfulness skill to enhance emotional intelligence and overall well being. These relevant tools and techniques are meant to be a resource to support a positive stress response throughout the day’s challenges. This might look like a journaling prompt, a partner or community-building activity, a new breath work practice, movement, or a new specific mindfulness skill, such as a mudra.



Breathwork is the foundation of any mindfulness practice. Breathing calms us and reminds us that we are fundamentally safe and alive. A breath practice helps clients to focus on the present moment and respond to patterns in thinking, feeling and reacting in a more balanced way.



Practicing the check-in is perhaps one of the most critical components in effective living. Over time, check-in can become a powerful tool for emotional awareness and can also help us build upon our relationships.


Your Staff

Your staff members, trained in our curriculum, offering programming to your facility.


$1,200 per school

Includes 8 digital lessons and 3 digital in-services.



Our trained yoga instructors come to your school or organization.


$425 per classroom

Includes 8 digital lessons and 3 digital in-services.



Perfect for those who want to hit play and start practicing.


$3,000 per school

Includes 8 digital lessons and 3 digital in-services.


Kristin Kilburg

Mindful Education in Healthcare Director

Questions about our programming?

More Information

(4) Live, Online 


with a Certfied C2C member 


$400 per person

Includes 8 digital lessons and 3 digital in-services.

(1) Live, Online Session

with Certified C2C member


$125 per person

Access to the C2C Resources

Have questions about our programming?

Talk to our team.

Call: 563-451-7034

For Educators


Trauma Informed

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